The ECOPEAK® technology water heater has 3 elements instead of 2, like a standard water heater. This specificity leads to a false perception that because the water heater has three (3) elements, it will heat up faster. This is totally false!
We need to go back to the basic concept, which is the result of a research and development collaboration between Hydro Québec and Usines Giant, to offer consumers a water heater that reduces the demand for electricity during peak periods. The aim is to reduce collective energy consumption in each community, while limiting the impact on individual comfort.
Using a 3rd element located in the lower portion of the water heater, with a smaller capacity, results in lower energy consumption for initial hot water demands. Three-element water heaters have been found to use up to a third less energy than a standard water heater. This means that using hot water to wash your beard or rinse your dishes will trigger 800 Watts of energy instead of 3,800 Watts or even more, depending on the water heater. A standard water heater with two (2) elements of the same type (e.g.: 2 x 3,800 watts or 2 x 4,500 watts, etc.) operating alternately will cause a punctual demand of 3,800 Watts for an open faucet during light hot water consumption.
If, in Quebec, 260,000 homes simultaneously use hot water from a water heater equipped with this technology, the spot demand could drop from nearly 1 Megawatt (988,000kW) to 208,000kW. It should be noted that in this example we are not taking into account the diversified call, which greatly complicates this calculation and its benefits for the state-owned company. However, we can certainly confirm that by this simple gesture, we are helping to reduce demand at a critical time for OUR NETWORK, which supplies the entire Quebec community.