Trouvez le chauffe-eau résidentiel qui répond à vos besoins

Évaluez votre consommation quotidienne

Find the Residential Water Heater That Meets Your Needs

Evaluate your daily water consumption

Results are based on average winter water temperatures, standard water pressure, a low-flow showerhead, and standard bath sizes.

Note: With a low-flow showerhead, the maximum continuous shower time is approximately 33 minutes for a 60-gallon heater and 22 minutes for a 40-gallon heater.


The results provided are for reference only.

GIANT Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy of the data or be held responsible for the results obtained through its use.

Information is subject to change without notice.

Electric Water Heaters

Model Gallons kW % of Demand Result
142STE 30 3 0% Please fill out the form
152STE 40 3 0% Please fill out the form

Gas Water Heaters

Model BTU Capacity Gallons % of Demand Result
UG30-32S3-N2-400 32,000 30 0% Please fill out the form
UG40-40S3-N2-250 40,000 40 0% Please fill out the form
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